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MUS3 Web3 Fundamentals Course

To support and upskill the Victorian music industry, the Victorian Music Development Office (VMDO) has launched the MUS3 Web3 Fundamentals course, created by Victorian-based company, CLUB MEDIA LABS, with additional support from the Australia Council for the Arts.

The MUS3 Web3 Fundamentals course is now open.

MUS3 Web3 Fundamentals is an introductory course to learn the basics of blockchain and Web3 in the context of the music industry. Although the course was specifically designed in response to the needs of the Victorian music community, we are delighted to be providing access to the short MUS3 online course to anyone who is interested.

Blockchain is unlocking new possibilities that may redefine the future of music. It involves shifting power to creators, improving efficiency, and increasing engagement with fans and stakeholders.

Course Structure 

  • Four-chapter course

  • Self-paced

  • Discussion forum on Discord

  • Students will learn via lectures, pdfs, additional readings,  animations, practical tasks, and interviews with guest speakers, including Professor Ellie Rennie (RMIT Blockchain Innovation Hub), Caroline Bowler (CEO of BTC Markets), Max Shand (Founder and CEO of Serenade) and LÂLKA, an Australian independent musician using Web3.

Assessments & Tasks

  • 4 x quizzes

  • 4 x practical tasks

Course Outcomes 

  • The fundamentals of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs and Web3

  • How they are impacting the music industry

  • Case studies of their application

  • How to: set up a digital wallet

  • How to: mint an NFT collection

  • How to: create an NFT-gated fan page on Tell.ie

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